

The Nikuni KTM pump, which creates micro air bubbles, is used in the new generation DAF units and an air bubble measuring 20÷30 µm occurs (200 – 300 µm in traditional DAF units).
This DAF method creates very small air bubbles in water, and these bubbles provide the transition from liquid to solid with their buoyant effect, but also allow solids, small solid metals, undissolved elements to collect on the surface.
The DAF-NIKUNI pump is located at the center of the flotation unit.
The elimination of chemical feed pump, compressor, large dissolution tank, pressure tank, agitator, static mixer and outdated system equipment ensures the simplification of the system, space saving and greatly reduced in cost

Better efficiency in purification
It is difficult to be able to separate suspension solids
Better dewatering of sludge
High chemical resistance
Less chemical consumption,
Less energy consumption,
Less equipment space,
Less noise,
Lower cost

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